observation, the experimentation and induction observation Six directions. Mechanism of the feeling. Though the feeling is a primarily psychological phenomenon, since we are aware of it, it takes place however only under certain physical and physiological conditions, which can be brought back to three principal: 1° the external objects immediately act either (tact, taste), or by the intermediary of a medium (sense of smell, hearing, sight, thought) on the bodies of the directions. Absence of body, absence of feeling. 2° the action exerted on the ends of the nerves which end in the bodies transmits in all the course of the nerves which make communicate the bodies with the brain. Indeed, any lesion of the nerves stops or deteriorates the feeling. 3° the action is communicated in the centers, either with brain, or with the marrow, which transmits it itself to brain. Indeed the lesions of the centers can prevent the feeling, in spite of the healthy state of the nerves or the bodies. Such are the conditions common to all the feelings: we will not indicate the particular mechanism which belongs to them this being of another field of specialist in physiology. a: Definitions: 1°: idea; 2°: thought; 3°: Applicable universal laws on the accelerated thought and the matter. 1°: idea: The idea is a kind of material which is the support of assertion, because an idea is, does not have to be justified by the thought. If I have an idea of the kind, the animals are color of what it eats, it is an idea, it can be true, as it can be false, at this stage, it is not what interests us, the only thing which I know it is that it exists and I was going to say that it is stated clearly, however. As we are the human ones, we tend to say that if there is an idea it is necessary to be able to express it. However, the animals also have ideas, for example a dog which seeks to escape from the garden to go to see the close bitch I to you guaranteed that it has ideas! To remain general there is thus worth to better say than the idea must have this property to be memorable. Any idea which is not memorable is not one. 2°: The thought: The thought according to its quality is a system which will enable me to say if I have this idea and if this idea is true then the cows should be green because they eat grass. Then my idea is probably false... Under the aspect of the memories, I will say in the absolute that the thought does not have memory. When an idea is false, it is less useful (It makes make errors, also perhaps leaves it the memory. The memory it is a stock of ideas which can be worked out or not by the thought. The thought of others is an idea. Pun thought, idea: While writing this, it comes me a reflexion by comparing the two expressions "to have a thought" and "to have an idea". When it is said that somebody had an idea it does not have inevitably reflects. When somebody has a thought it is a short cut for saying, it A reflects and then it had an idea. In short cut I will define - the thought like a system of inference enters the ideas (news or being in the memory) The idea like a rough, unforeseeable material but which can be confronted in inference with other idea to deduce if it is coherent or not. 3°: Applicable universal laws on the accelerated thought and the matter. 3a: The matter attracts the matter (venturie effect), the thought attracts the ideas. 3b: A phenomenon creates another phenomenon which will maintain and accelerate the first phenomenon. System describes on a report on a water channel of 1993. The thought attracts or creates ideas which will maintain it and to accelerate it. 3c: During the study of the interferences with photons or other particles as one has known it for one year. Whatever the course carried out the particles arrives at the same place. The application of the law to the thought gives whatever the ideas or the advance of the thought, of many philosopher arrived on certain points at the same point which represents a universal thought. b: The taste, the feelings are soft (sugar, milk), bitter (quinine, gentian), acids (vinegar), burning (strong liquors), etc; but these distinctions are very insufficient to express the considerable number of savour which the various food or drinks can produce. C: Hearing, One can distinguish in the sound various points of view: 1° quality; 2° intensity; 3° volume; 4° the tonality; 5° the stamp. D: The sight, the sight in black and white, the sight color, after a strong luminous excitation one does not see any more but in black and white. E: Tact, the touch can be soft, hot, silky... F: The sense of smell, the flavours are multiple as for the taste. G: The thought. This being the proposal carried out, I passed quickly on the five first directions, for better devoting me to the proposal. As it is known as from the very start the physiological aspect is another subject and I add that this text does not seek to know which or what activates this direction. g1: One can distinguish in the thought different point of view: 1° quality, 2° intensity, 3° quantity. g2: It possible of is increased the possibility of this direction using tool called the ideas. g3: The thought being a direction, is permanently in awakening, which explains the dreams. g1-1: I think that there are three qualities. First is without reflexion, in example a conditioned being. Second animal is based on the comparison, in example an animal which compares two ways to know which it will borrow. Third of the man is utilized the most level of reflexion is characteristic, in example the creation of the texts of the Humans right of 1789. g1-1-1: A saturating repetitive thought is the lowest level of thought. g1-1-2: The thoughts related to the other directions are of the thoughts of an animal nature. g1-1-3: Detail on the origin of an accelerated thought. The origin of a thought obeys the law of the origin which I described on my report of 1993 for a physical phenomenon: a thought appears provocant a new thought which maintains and amplifies the first thought. g1-2: There are several levels of intensity, the most intense thoughts actuates another mechanism of the brain which has its own laws: memory. g1-3: It happens that the thought submerge us and create what we call of the emotions. It is not rare that the people confuse the intensity with the quantity, although these two qualities are completely different. g2-1: the use of the ideas, the principal rules are this one: g2-1-1° the observer must know its ideas, for example, know exactly which is the quality which influences it (g1-1) g2-1-2° it must seek to make them most convenient while adapting them by some corrections with use for which it intends them; g2-1-3° it must check them; and it must know finally and appreciate the errors of which they are likely. g2-2-1: There are ideas which bring closer the distant thought. g2-2-2: There are ideas which increase the thoughts. g2-2-3: There are ideas which make it possible to start the memory to memorize the thought. g2-2-4: There are ideas which make it possible this to concentrate on a thought. the experimentation a: It is noticed has use that the thought the accelerated will have several characters whose principal ones are: specific thoughts: has 1-1: the bright thought, it is an obvious thought for example I thus think I am; has 1-2: the clandestine thought, it is a thought which is diffuse but which allows coherence without really appearing; the 1-3 thought den has or collective, it is a thought in which have finds in a clear way of the laws which govern several other thoughts. has 1-4: the crucial thought, it is one of most important because it is with cross logics, knowing that when a logic is started it is very difficult to see impossible to use another logic. has 1-5: the fugitive thought, it is a thought which varies depending on the state, it is interesting because it indicates the state to us in which we are; has 1-6: the thought bordering, it is the thought hinge between two thoughts. has 1-7: the solitary thought, as are name indicates it it car is enough and is independent. b: One still notices with the use that so that a dialogue can be establishes, it is necessary to use two thought of identical quality. In example it is useless to use the arguments of a high thought to a thought of low level, or to reason a fully conditioned being. C: Experiment one still notices that the thoughts being limited in their use, the heart (or what you will want) found the means of prolonging them or to supplement them by the means of the ideas. By the accelerated thought, one holds note of the fastest ideas and most delicate. Thus the thoughts are centuplicated by the reflexion, and can arrive at the last precision; moreover, each one can be created with itself of the new ideas for the particular order of the thoughts which it proposes. the induction of the preceding text. a°: each animal which can exceeded the stage of a comparative reasoning is a human being. In other words the characteristic of the man is the use of a thought of accelerated quality. Other induction and experimentation personnel 1°: It is impossible to read the accelerated thought of another person, therefore each man has his own thought which is inalienable for him. In fact, one can say that each person is single and has her own thoughts and as soon as it becomes aware of it and that it is protected, it becomes Master of its thoughts. The richness of the ideas makes that each person is an entity which has the degree of freedom that it agrees. I think that this awakening can take place only in the application of an accelerated thought. 2°: each science has its own laws. Thus each system, each man, each event, each thought has its own time which is analysable only compared to itself. 3°: (love) paternal or conditioned practice is a character which one finds on several animal species. 4°: the search of company or a presence is an animal character. 5°: each event must be analyzed compared to its origin and its end or balances. 6°: each event at its own base of time, this is an axiom of the 1 7°: happiness or the thought should not be dictated by which that is under penalty of thus losing your essential character human being thinking. 8: There are several levels of logic which uses the same tool, but which is not compatible. The first level being basic with the pejorative direction, I it definite like reptilien, or conditioned. The second level corresponds to the animal with its aspect of compromise and of exchanges, its vault is the comparative system. In third it is the logic which uses the experimental method using the accelerated thought. 9: I think that the maintenance of the body is essential but it is not a goal in the life; I think that to compare and exchanged the richnesses which one creates is essential, but it is not a goal in the life; I think that to use a thought accelerated allows us to have the attention on what is, and with reflexion, to conceive, judge and reason. In this logic one observes what is and what appears, it nor does not have a comparison. One of laws of this logic is to observe objects, and things which relate to them, which implies that at no time one can integrate a comparative logic into it, under penalty of inconsistency. 10: The term thought as I have to present it in the text is a direction which can develop in three different ways, and in particular the third being accelerated can still develop of three manner to know: to conceive; to judge, and reason. Maintaining with the answer why this it is produced at these people and not at all the world, I think that there are several possible answers, including one directly induced by the answer of Clement. As for the intensity only the observation of all what returns concerned for each one, will enable us to identify the laws. 11: With the question that must I register at the beginning, the answer is given by lenient with a small addition of my share on the law which one finds in physics: What I say it is that one with step any ideas at any time (thus attraction on a likely beam of idea), however they are unforeseeable (chaotic). One can thus say of an idea that it is born from an environment and at the same time as it has this property to be unforeseeable. In remark, this still joined a law of the matter which is the matter attracts the matter, in example a draught attracts the air which is around (it is noticed it when a door closes oneself) and this attracted air amplifies the volume of air of courrant of air thus amplifies and accelerates courrant it of air. But one will notice as for the ideas, it is necessary that it have something there to attract. Moreover as you thus say it (without concept, not inspiration) it is necessary well that it have there something who excite the thought, this thought is there, even being very weak, little or not perceptible, and by taking again the law of the ideas of lenient, that Ci is accelerated and amplified by the ideas. a: Like knew to say it Paul Janet, one cannot benefit fully from the music by solving a difficult logical problem. b: Advances in knowledge we know that precise tasks are in precise zones of the brain. C: As still Paul Janet each science said has his philosophy. From these elements I deduce from it that each philosophy has its logic. From these elements I deduce from it that for each science, it y will have a particular logic. As logic they is mathematics, I still deduce from it that each science will have its own mathematics. I propose that each science will have a particular zone of the brain which would have its own mathematics or a particular mechanism with its own mathematics. And according to the circumstances, and the practice we support such or such part of the brain or such mechanism. Thus with the same data according to the part of the brain used we will have answers which could be contrary. D: Knowing that if a precise part of the brain works in an intense way, it occults the other parts (the music occults the countable reasoning). The encountered problem is to determine the order of importance of philosophies. I think that it is difficult to say that a philosophy is false, to less than one obviousness; but on the other hand it is important to determine an order in philosophies, for for example driving back certain instincts resulting from the brain reptilien. In example by analogy between the physiology and the operation of the reasoning: . The observation taught us that the metal object have a good thermal conductance, therefore rather quickly put at the temperature ambient air. If I return in contact with a metal object, the temperature of the human body being generally higher than the temperature of the ambient air, we will feel a cold object. Because the metal object will better diffuse the human body heat that the air of the part does not do it. One can say that a metal contact increases heat exchange in physiology. I think that there are methods which increase the operation of the reasoning in such or such logic, therefore in such or such philosophy. In another example, let us take the imaginary case of an honest person who receives an order of her senior in rank who, according to the opinion and the experiment of this honest person, would undermine the human nature. Several philosophies can influence the decisions, I leave the free will each one make his own classification. a) The order thus comes from a superior of somebody from theoretically more qualified. Why break a plan of career while going against an order? The respect of the hierarchy allows social coherence. Any individual contrary decision is self-centredness, to believe themselves higher, place the individual reasoning at the top of a collective reasoning. b) Can one place an object at the top of the human nature, to be it by definition? doesn't the action of each one build the collective action? Can one make pass to his personal interest to the top of the elementary rights of all human being. In other words to take again the spirit of Victor Hugo in 1789, am I a servant or a courtier? Andre. p. J. Mathematical or philosophical concepts The goal of this presentation is to present the method of classification suggested, contained deserves certainly a thorough work. First concept, one approaching the instinct. Of experiment some gestures are almost innate. No the reflexion, reasoning with the feeling, the reactions are simple, calculations are carried out on what one has right in front of the eyes. Simple additions to calculate close volumes, which effleurent us. Short-sighted philosophy. Second concept, going concept, the exchange, concept of equivalence, barter, assessments, calculations of report/ratio; Concept moreover, of less, and zero. Third concept, overall concept and of harmony, search of regroupings and associations of ideas. Matric mathematics. Fourth concept study of the limits to the infinite integral derived functions. Philosophy which is projected with far and which is planted in a post right in front of the body. What I think of having shown on this site Fifth concept I have evil to define it, but it is that which the table of Carnot uses, but in a cube. This concept is also a little developed of probability. For ABC = aaa,aab... ccc. For truth, forgery, dubious. For beautiful, ugly, normal etc each new value makes the analysis more complex. Sixth concept that of conditioning or unit concept. The concept of mathematics is brought back to simplest, the unit; and will be represented by an obsession. This concept applies to a part or mechanism of the limbic brain and removes any reflexion by putting the human being at the state of inanimate object. For example the voluntary or involuntary repetition of an object which can be: I will be happy I will be free I am slave-God exist-God perhaps does not exist pas.Ce conditioning a car-conditioning or an imposed conditioning. Seventh concept that which I present on my site. It is a system proportional with an exponential level. Thus without zero. Andre p.j. Since philosophy is the research of the first causes and the first principles; and since the first principle of any reasoning is the identity principle, more known under the name of "omne subjectum is proedicatum sui", the principle which an identity cannot vary in a reasoning; and since still the zero represent nothing by definition. I do not think that one can grant to the zero contents other than nothing. Andre p.j. Text relating to the universal thought of:Enuresiaque: "what the thought? One do not point out the difference between the Logos and Kosmos. The thinking individual, whose human one is only one specimen, thinks the world according to his "capacity of comprehension of the world". This capacity is evolutionary, cumulable and especially transmissible, holds say that the allegorical image of this "capacity" is the Heart of the individual. For the ceusse which have a cabal in Canada, they will have recognized the allegory. The individual thought passes by qualitative stages, by levels of awakening, its cumulative capacity the thought forms part of a collective thought which is built over millenia. This cumulated thought, passes itself by qualitative stages, collectively Humanity opens on new levels of awakening, and Malkhout puts the ends, to fly away towards a keter fresher:o). There is thus the individual thought with a certain degree of awakening, and there is a collective thought, itself with a certain degree of awakening. The universal thought, is that where the awakening would be total, where having become aware that the infinite one (Ein Soph for the kabbalists) contains the conditions of finished, one is able to know and control these conditions. These conditions are those of a Natural Order of the things, which does not express any particular will and which is the order of the possible ones. It is this order there that the scientists explore and try to formalize. Under these Nécessaires conditions that the Chance can join together there is a nonnull probability to go towards the emergence of more complex systems, where in particular from inert one passes to the alive one, of living with thinking, then thinking of various degrees of awakening. At this time I take again the intuition of Christian to quote Fukuyama and his thesis on "the end of the History". In this process of increasing complexification, there is no obligation so that the systems become more and more complex more, they can it only if the conditions necessary are met by the chance or... a creative will. Thus each to mitigate can be "the end of the History" but on the level of the total awakening, it is not exactly that of "the end of the History", but that of a "Eternal Return", that of a restarting. The Naturel order of the Things is that of the dynamic balance of more or less complex systems, subjected to the entropy, they risk at all times to turn over to the non-being, a non-being which is not nothing, but the chaotic base of a nth restarting. This infinite is there from time immemorial, it is visible which can wake up to place its understanding on the good level of similarity, but one knows it well for the majority among us: " The light shone in darkness, but darkness did not receive it "":Enuresiaque. Hypothesis on time |