Click, click Is this an idea? Is this a spirit? Say me why I live? Say me why I create? Wouldn't this be quite simply a search for eternity?
A large respect with this science mother, the Communication which creates love and friendship.
GRANULATES TO BELIEVEWe approach the life with, anchored in us, the "search for eternity". This need to prove our existence results in the desire to leave with the posterity a trace, a tangible property, a moral richness. The facility, ignorance involve a research of eternity, with through impressed in the matter. This will result in acts egoistic, useless, sometimes cruel. This matter is however well little of thing because in perpetual change. How to write on sand which is permanently altered by the waves?
Thus, research of eternity is done by the means of the thought. This thought can be translated in various forms, and uses all our means of communication (simpler to most advanced: the gestural one with inductt). Under another aspect, the characteristic of man, an aspect which grows us, is the search for of eternity through the research of knowledge. This research can take three aspects, science, art, the search for an absolute called God or conscience. These three aspects have the same goal, only the advance varies; sometimes they cross. Thus it is not rare that people express their faith through art with their songs or their paintings, or use sciences to create works of art, it is not rare to meet men that their faith engaged in humane combat. Thus we are well in a dependent whole rising without end, in a swirl with the faith which pushes the science, the science which pushes art, the art which pushes the faith.
Primary causes presented (primary cause: research of eternity), let us develop the laws of the "Applications in the search of connaissances(recherche of the firsrt principle)". It is not question here of the search for God or of Art, bus I am the feeling that others already did it in a more relevant way. In order to define the applicability well, let us recall that we speak about science in general, and not of a particular science, accompanied by its own logic like the statistics, or by the other science using its own mathematics like the alg�bre or the geometry. The science which interests us, was quoted by Montaigne "the friendship nourishes communication", this science which allows all other sciences and to even recognize oneself, this science, whose first principle, was given by Bossuet. Thus, us already to describe here the first principle of the first principle, this principle is also the first principle of the reasoning. It allows the communication with oneself, it allows the communication with the others. This first principle which gives only one direction under the beginning with the end of an reflexion to keep any coherence and to avoid any fraud. If we must quote an induction of this science, we would think of the algorithms of the language, more known under the name of grammar. If we must quote a direct application of this science, we would name the dictionary which grants a definition, in a field of definition and its limits in each term. Thus, us here thus in the presence of a science which will be able to manage information, feelings. This science is endowed with several tools. One of most remarkable is the setting in memory, a memory which can be individual or collective, which can find many supports and of the forms. In spite of the importance of this tool, we should not forget for as much many other sciences - other tools which are offered to us. This science is called "communication". All these miseries are only beliefs, True misfortune is our ignorance. The belief is thus made, Mislaid it carries out our defeat In the abysses of a life of regrets Of the hell we are the toy. But when in the friendship Involve you all your thoughts You create the voice, the newspaper You create the ideal unceasingly But when with love you are given without turning Of the eternity for always Each moment will be your day.
Time presentBy far, it is missed. Of near, it is lost. The life is lived at the time, Benefit from each moment! You live at the present, Your thoughts flower And ignite. Will you are! Human wonder, You hold it in the hand, Think and creates, Because an idea which does not evolve/move Is an idea which dies.
The nation which is bornGod, of a soft movement, Of its purer idea, Drew from mud, A being of thoughts.
It made the man, In time, In a gesture like It orders with the winds.
It insufflated in this man a heart To show him firmament, And gleams of its flame To rise infinitely.
It put the feelings at it Pleasure, love, joy, Happiness, and appeasing. Obeying the same law.
The flash of our origin, The FIT the man rainbow Blue so that the azure imagines, Yellow for the softness of honey.
Indigo for its tenderness, Eraser of any anger It appears to the man, without mass, To be God, moment the one era.
It decorated thoughts these bodies If fragile of mankind, Shared and strong thoughts Of a serene dream. Thoughts which accelerate, Eternity of each moment. Ideas which are released, For the glory of the moment. The matter is little of thing, We cannot be morose The idea given, the seed which germinates in others Can offer the most beautiful flowers of the life to us. To share this idea with you Create two sources of ideas. This entity with the new laws it is the Family which is done. To share this knowledge with you Is the beginning of our company. A size, a cloud, it is us; And here, the Nation which is born. Having created the thought, sublimates it, God decided to contemplate his work, All in top of the summits. It left the free operations
Of a dark corner, the Malignant one, of a cheap reason, Susurra treacherously of other thoughts. That of the zero and the comparison While imposing on the conditioned spirit.
Thus the company developed, Without knowing why, Far from raised God, Replaced by kings.
AWAKENINGWhen top of azure The pilot with spirit pure Realized that a cruel destiny In the engine a brake had put
It left its pocket close to ON A collection of poems; without fear With its passengers, it quoted most beautiful towards That the writers had offered to us.
In the apparatus carried by the wings, The spirits flew away without similar All were carried per so many wonders They had arrived at the eternal.
The awakening is to know to benefit from the moment, Even if this one has the aspect of the last moment. Death is the acceptance of a solidified thought, Death is only the fact of no more knowing to dream.
MY BROTHERWith those which think that the body is a goal, That they remember that the matter Is in perpetual change, That it belonged to others front And that it will still belong to others. Like the most invaluable memories, Men leaves ideas which survive, What remains is to us environment that we created. If the idea is to believe to impose, If the idea is to condition Behind a title to reassure itself, Poor fellow that here! In fact, No one does not lie to its conscience, nor with the sky. In a despair, the stray heart can veil it Forgetting that the first meurtri, it is it. To veil how? While car conditioning itself. To veil how? While letting itself flatter. The thought is personal, and in a word as into hundred, No one cannot impose it to us, The flattering ones steal our lives. They are only illusion The time granted to these poisons of flatteries, Represent our destruction. The time given to the flattering ones Is stray for what one will not know any more, The moment diverted by these jokers, Is stray for those which one will not know, Time solidified anything to create. Used differently, this time is so invaluable: Each second is an eternity, A chance to start again, Each second can start a new life, Or to even accelerate old, In unsuspected pleasures.
With you my friend, my brother, Each time the madness pushes you to waste your time to go to seek this centime beyond our borders. This centime which it is not necessary to the wellbeing of your body. This centime which does not bring anything to comfort of hold, This centime which steals you the moment and which consumes your life, These so invaluable seconds of life are as many crescendos given up for you and hold them. These seconds are as many joys and of lost experiments, devoted to a sterile thing. Benefit from the moment my brother! Enjoyed those which you like and time present!
GodMadness to believe that with God we can negotiate, that would make him lose by same the its character of absolute. Or God is all the time or so much worse. Useless to believe that it that in only one place, useless does not appear to believe that it appears only with only one moment, useless to believe in all these drifts to the hope. We can believe that God exists, but in this case it is at every moment, it hears the thoughts. Useless to believe that it is possible to practise ignorance and the cruelty which accompanies while thinking of being able to beseech a forgiveness. Each moment has its importance and no future do not erase the fault for those which believe. For the others it their remainder always the conscience which does not make forgiveness. NostradamusNostradamus was right, here the end of a civilization. The monsters are released, more reason! It is not any more the age of the servants, it is the age of the courtiers. All religions, All policies, sound our destruction When the courtiers impose their illusions. Will killed by television, Was the last rampart and protected our reason. It is the defect of reasoning installed Apology of bestiality, Who does not allow us More, to analyze what is: Servant, will, Recognition of each object. To know to create, know to exist. Glory of our thought!
CrueltyCruelty, it is to believe without thinking, cruelty, it is to accept without reasoning. Cruelty is a conditioned river developing of the human robots retorting itself - cruel concepts of royalty, concepts of money or titles, this idea imposes its own prison. Cruelty is to be right always and to present pretexts at its own madness. Cruelty is to lie themselves to oneself by a car conditioning, to close the eyes, to accept this company without taking part in it, trusting an idea without analyzing it under pretext that another already reasoned. Cruelty, it is to forget that we are gifted men of thoughts, and to accept an order out raison. Cruelty, it is to accept the personal interest against the collective interest. Cruelty, it is to exist without thinking, because the contagion is spread on weakest. Each time you hammer, that you impose an idea which cannot be divided, here you is cruel and victim; each time you propose and that you create, released here you is.
EternityRaised me here, I learned how to walk, To see what was not, To reason, girl of the thought. Then came one day when I learned To respect deaths; not those which destroyed Because these forget. Those which created, All these thoughts which made it possible my world to exist. All those which imposed Died for a long time, because the memory drives out cruelty To release itself some. Immortal thoughts of the servants of ideas, Wills and beliefs in humanity Are present forever In our hearts and our thoughts.
The step leaves the place to the thought To open the gilded window to you Of a light whiter than the flash. And you evaporate in the airs, Thus floating here you is apparent And no one does not ignore you, because radiant cloud, You are in their zenith, In their blood, they t'en give the merit.
The infinite one exceeded, Absolute you are Palate, quoted erodes and is exhausted Carrying their myths.
God divides you the idea And a beautiful friendship To trust of being able to accompany you On this communi�e thought.
Never dictate, You would kill your eternity! That your breath proposes and divides, Thus you will be for eternity wise.
One evening, I met my ancestors. My ancestors appeared to me in a soft round, and each one carried out its mission. The first contact was present to indicate the benevolence to me, then came time from education. Thus they asked me to join the horizon, thing which I tried to make, but very quickly I realized that I turned in round. The horizon is always far and this concept belongs to a system which car discusses. After the time of the reflexion, they continued using a purer continuation and held more of the shiver than words. Not the shiver of fear, but the shiver due to this heat which heats you by alleviating you the spirit. They said to me "You live, you think and rises in you this faith, this belief which tears off you with the laws, in heavinesses of a misery. Your will creates these moments of life and so much better if they are divided for better accelerating! The dawn is of each moment, the light attracts us and dazzles us, null eyelid cannot protect you from this life of flights. Your cry is your life, do not lose your voice, on what is not! Your pain is our pain, your joy is our joy, without us you do not exist, remains with us! " These immortal in front of my eyes, invited me to join them. Then the bases, the thought which links, was approached, certain call it the respect of the tradition, but this one was presented to me just like an average material which made it possible to my people to last. My blood remembers, the memory of my genes returns in unison. At this point in time a person presented herself. She radiated clearness, which at the beginning made that I had not noticed that she was equipped with haillons. She says to me: "I died for you. I died in a ditch, surrounded by horse guards. Also, never lets itself make, defend your right and your reason! Keep the proud head, do not admit any false reason, no one cannot touch your people! " The insult is to try to make believe that there is something of superior to our traditions, with our eternity "a priest appeared to me, and says to me: "I died for you. I died for you, because I kept the pure religion to you "Another person appeared and says to me: "I died for you; the steps which go from the village until the beach, I made of it a part and that cost me the life "And thus it was a procession which took almost all the night. With the end a question was asked to me: And you, are you ready to die for us? I answered: "I am ready to die for you, me, for us, because the day or I will fail, I will not be any more and will lose eternity consequently". At this time there, I felt like a veil, not the veil which masks, but the veil which protects from the black which plugs. A particular veil, a phosphorescent veil which lights, it was an awakening of the new state in which I was. It was tell to me: "You cannot fall any more". At this point in time appeared to me humanity, its joys, its happinesses, its sizes, its lives, my lives, was to us one, and one was us. Us and its laws which carry the means to the extase, rainbow of the nuances which fill the sky with its frequencies, marrying the harmony of the thoughts. It is not balance, it is not the medium between two limits, it is attraction, the center, the heart of comet, which carries out the life. A soft will, which coats to you and retains you, distant from all the chasms; its only presence justifies its existence. The words are to be invented to describe the state, but still it is to know to slip without clash, to push thoughts which engage happiness, knowledge to create without destroying, knowing to build without rectifying, just consolidating good with dimensions. This law which makes that each moment is a happiness. This law is the action, the action taken with will, will to create, to create with respect, respect of what is, and it is us, we grow, to grow it is the action without destroying. They said to me: "the reason is guide of any thing, the directions mislead us, the reason carries out us. The matter appears to us through the reason. Keep the opened reason, not to deceive you! Develop your ideas but never forgets to listen to with benevolence the other methods presented, because no one does not know if not that it does not know large thing. The idea first by the instinct is to capitalize, it is a right, but is quickly replaced by the research of the eternity which induces the social direction, a stronger right and which appears always even if it is denounced. Moreover, it is denounced when it is badly applied. Also always base analyzes towards the flight, because we will retain only what rose. Start by having a glance in report/ratio with your personal interests, make it tower of the question in all the forms and means which are. Once this made, take again the reasoning compared to your family, and analyzes again. Guards preciously conclusions. Still return to the reason and analyzes again compared to your village. Your eternity grows. That is not enough yet, analyzes compared to your humanity, you will tend towards eternity without cruelty. Do not fall into misery to believe that there is only one form of thoughts! You would come from there to forget what you are, lost in a prison labyrinth of erroneous convictions. You would deprive yourself of a multitude of means which allow you to exist, you would be only one object, a robot with the planned task. Avoid the people with the key ideas, which analyze all with only one way of thinking, they are truths pauper of our company. They manage from there to forget that they are men and marginalisent all that is apart from their prisons. Softness is our force, child of the reason, without imposing you here ready to listen to the universal laws. First the idea introduces you which, plus it is considered, plus it is profitable, thus the idea attracts the ideas, as the ground remains close to its sun, an attraction which carries out the man, body and thought, allows us the flights. The Man attracts the Man, the ideas attract the ideas, here the beginning of our company. Even the celestial mechanics shows us the example with firmament. The second law is the miracle of the life, because the phenomenon creates, maintains and accelerates a new phenomenon, like the step of a river, this infinite swirl at the speed, our thought ad infinitum creates, maintains and accelerates new thoughts. Applied to our company, don't you see this breath, this wind who carries you beyond? However, we are always there. The third law allows the recognition of the fields of definitions and thus the reasoning; each thing is analysable only compared to itself in its field of definition. That appeared impossible to me, it was necessary for me reference marks, a fastener like the zero, a standard to measure. They asked me my age, I answered them: "forty years", they asked me how I lived this particular age, I answered: "as well as possible", and they said to me that my age is well, and it is always well, if one emphasizes it, because we measure our age using that of the moment. A ten year old child sees himself through eyes of a ten year old child, man a 18 year old sees himself through the eyes of a 18 year old man. It said to me: Your time is individual, but you can perceive it differently, it is the characteristic of the time of the moment. But time can be also collective, it is the time of the appointments, it is social time. They said to me: "Now, if you included/understood these two times well that one should not mix, we will indicate the secrecy of happiness to you". I answered: "It is already done! You gave me eternity ". The answer was "to want is not to be able". I protested: "I am, we are", they said to me then: "Since we are, does not remain so far". "How? ", I asked. They answered me: "the third time it of infinite, it is the time of the event, each beginning of experiment leaves ad infinitum, did you is the time forget your thunderbolt? Your first school re-entry? Your first go? Before balance, each event starts ad infinitum, and you must start again of them some which are advantageous for you. The fourth law, was presented to me as follows: "Since all the rivers go to the sea, carries out holds it so that it runs out in a soft valley". It is the manner, your control, your attitude, your behavior which imports, can remain worthy and proud, never not to carry wrong to others, all that avoids is cruel, no obstacle attacks which the chance will have provided you! Learns how to share the life. See the interferences, light or matter, is always found at the same point! See the writings of the philosophers on the almost stopped subjects, which put all agreement, because arrived close to the truth, they are always at the same point; the difference lies in the way borrowed to reach that point. Fifth law is girl induced of second law, that they are constructions or thoughts which are created, does not forget that these new buildings, do not answer the laws of the objects which created them. As your thought associates words the particular laws, the sentences have new laws, and the laws of the words apply only to the words; just as of the laws bind the matter grains, and it is the attraction of the Earth which creates gravity obeying other laws of the matter; still the sounds have their own laws, but associated the melody appears with new laws as the harmony and the rate/rhythm. You as, knows as the laws of your particular thoughts are not there for eternity, works to join us, to make them evolve to us and our laws, because we are not that to half, you spent thirty years, we await you, does not delay! The song is prettier as a choral society, our hearts in unison, the church is built, with you to really join us. And they finished by the faith.
SONO CORSOThe post-office employee met his feastday When Clorinde smiles to him And it is thus great-grandfather And great-grandmother Linked themselves All in top of the peaks.
Top of these nineteen years Of marriage, it was not question It deserved abduction In the respect of the virtue and tradition
Which great crime for the convent Who deprived them of host for a life Because you will honour your parents Be not combined with removal described
Which are the grasses of the maquis? Who made the mules wise, Who allow me to be here, Who made await letters and images.
I just this answers you, The spirit does not have an age, Forget all, if you come from Paris, Because the love is not put out of cage. DODo r� mi fa sol la si do It the rhythm should be created If you want to go up very high, And to create your anthem.
Before wanting to couple them The first notes are given to you Pure like the blued sky In the few words afterwards.
Future you will retain A named science probability And without gene you will forget Algebra and all its derivative.
Machines you will respect The Boolean language And of his base you will not have The choice which enters two links.
Forms you will not recognize That geometry to explain them Thus it goes without saying it will be necessary for you Units to show it. Language you will develop Grammar with excess Because no one will understood Without its algorithms and its benefits.
Physical sciences, you will be able To retain if you believe capacity to create A deadened exponential base which will bring to you An hypothesis to be tested.
Algebra you will retain That it makes it possible to count the sheep By thus limiting it, you will make That no one conditions, as some do it.
Thought, you will notice That it has the capacity to remain forever. That this mathematics is much more complex than all those quoted.
The teacherA quoted city, one dead district By the society forgotten had an old lady on its board Who gave much.
The evening, its time was granted, Building the spirit, accompanying the idea. Patience, softness, and goodwill Were granted to the child who was.
A table, a small kitchen, And the melody started An alleviating voice and a simple mine The universe opened.
Thus true mathematics Were presented, Those which make it possible to discuss That which makes it possible not to mislead.
Why this society forgets The art of English, art to communicate, The art of communier? To keep thus That an algebra, a stray selection.
Oh, mathematician of genius Much more than grammar You knew to give a spirit More than one to know, a desire for knowing to make.
Mathematics they had very understood Thus this grammar carried Throughout a life In them you were registered forever.
Your breath is the wind Eternity you gained You knew to create time Your patience is rewarded.
First Naturel RightsI put the step on this surface, I work it sweating water and blood Because the capital of my efforts Determine the fate Of my wife of my children I take possession of this ground
Belief in a natural right first Who satisfies urgently Preventing from thinking With the search for eternity.
This search of eternity, Right natural first, With the developed social direction Create our villages and our cities.
Thus always the made man, Obstine in one of the two ideas Without finding balance Who will give him the good live.
Ignorance makes it so weak That it manages to only foresee The law of happiness is that Who joins together the two thoughts.
The thought spreading its wings Fly away the two more beautiful ideas When it joins together them beyond the tangible properties, And indicates to us the natural right.
It was thereA professor, an idea, street of the morning, It was there, to show the way to us. Its knowledge lit us of his fruit. Paining the day, studying the night,
I retained only on one stable state Time did not have any effect, and sands Could run out well in the sand glass. That a caused action, started
A reaction, a variation, Whose time is the form of the evolution. Thus, more time lasted, More it was necessary some,
To obtain the same action. Until this one in the peregrinations, That is to say immense at the beginning, until not having almost more Of effect to our perception. Time, this dormouse,
Run out, at the end of the reaction, Without making any modification Observable. The reaction is not finished, But time does not have any more an action on this one.
Individual timeIt is there, it is presented, Majestic in front of this incipient life, The man holding his time in the hand Shout with the skies, the Gods, his hunger.
It thunders: "I am there, I exist in My own time! " And receives in answer violently given A snap on its stripped buttocks.
These moments first, Space immortality In the name of an ignorance are stolen for him Or in the name of a false idea.
A developed cruelty By a repetition, wanting to affirm its inferiority. This so young body, as a bomb Is ready to explode, To steal its time is to lock up it in tomb!
Its first moments are of any beauty, To let flee in another world, would be to sacrifice it. Oh, wise! Your hour is the slow rhythm Of your life, different is the rhythm of the children.
Respect his which is still ad infinitum, The breath haletant it is the breath of life It explodes and extends To benefit fully from its time.
Then time is shortened, narrows and The life will be given the responsability to bring back it Its law; it is the batch of individual time The more it lasts, more it is short, and cruel!
Blow of timeThe breath materializes and carries you With the liking of the sanded winds Of a sea of Thoughts, you c r e a t e .
Ideal and reality"Mo�se for the furnace bridge sought a sanctuary; God known as: "One needs two of them"; and in the sanctuary Oliab with B�lis�el led. One carved the ideal and the other reality "*
Thus, I wandered in the desert, Since thousand years in the search of a ground. When God opened the chain Time, indicating the healthy heart.
The shared ideal, Reality confirmed to us, This time the easily deceived ones which rebelled. But the priests of nothing forced to hide.
* The accelerator, impulse, is of Victor Hugo
Time in stickSat some share, I do not know where, The man took the stick And planted it on the ground. It declared to him: � You are my reference mark, speaks to me, Say to me where I am! "Thus, Our concept of time was born. This stick, it named it gnomon. It was perhaps yesterday, or A long time ago, the shade of the stick The destiny of humanity fixed. I turn, I transfer, an increase Deeper leaves and ignites, I do not want any more a this stick! The harmonic of my heart, Reject this object of its rays. The waves break at the rhythm Their desires while the meter Measure space between the peaks. One is a life, the other a positioning. Let us not forget, the Greeks said: "Ca moves, Thus that saw "Some laughed beginning again This "naive" manner to speak about time Who of course is one of the symbols of the life But is not therefore the equivalent. Of course, without movement, time, not of life. But this word, this life, has another direction in what we included/understood. Is it necessary to disallow the proposal for as much? Not, because this one takes all its force, all its significance according to the science in which we place ourselves.
Pretty timePretty time Sir, pretty Time Madam! This time that I appreciate. This time discovers and innovates, this Is our first time here.
Hold, you here, our second time, You are nothing any more but half of the first, without To await the third and its third more, Do not even think of the forty-fourth where I am since yesterday!
Measure timeOne of the characteristics of the man is his memory and its language to transmit it. Thus, of a thought, represented into idea, this distance ancestor transmitted his eternity to me. Another of the characteristics of the man is always to have sought to understand so as to adapt its environment. From this of many tools were born and evolved. There however remains still a zone which is always analyzed using the tools first, it is time; this variation which represents the change, the movement. In the old cultures, time was cyclic. Linear time comes us from a particular physical phenomenon. Wouldn't it be time, to revise the form of time? Can the eternity of a beginning until the death of a repetition, be measured using a unit time left another reference mark? Don't these stable phenomena, on which time does not have any effect, have their own particular time, if discrete that no variation appears to us?
It should be believed that astronomy seized our time by imposing a unit time everywhere whereas it was not always necessary, and that in fact, each one its time, each one its life, even if both are divided until intoxication, that does nothing but create one new common time, a new life.
YouthSquatted here in the shade, No one does not see it, motionless and sinks, Time does not have an influence To reveal its existence.
These impatient youths Feel their spouting out seed, Shout: "Why not? ", And this moment is not already there any more.
Time spouts out perceptible Running up against the most significant hearts. It draws our wrinkles and scratches our bodies Bringing back to us to our right fate.
To benefit from time is to be in the action, Who is a movement or a reflexion It is to build the moment eternal, So as to answer the call.
Thus we exchange the faith against a cheap hope, We kill our eternity to gain into futile. Time is not an imposed image, It is a reflexion, an enjoyed idea.
In the name of the flavours, by the north wind carried, In the name of arts by nature shown. We create the pleasure of the moment, to divide We create the action, in the duration.
The time of the eventI saw the sea breaking, the wind To flee in front of the lightning the prosecutor. Even the oisillon frail breeze its shell, And me, I should remain out of grid?
I saw the fox corroding his leg, Taken in the trap, the ant To waver under an imposing loading And I should accept your measurement of time?
I saw the time of before the beginning, The time of nonthe change. Far from what is learned to us, this time, With its own operation. I saw to want to measure it With the current manner is foolish Beautiful variation, time takes All its value at the beginning.
I saw that it explodes ad infinitum. Its beginnings are its glory, its desire It appears at the dawn of each event, Latent with the past, living at the present.
I saw that it is transformed When it awakes Morph�e, Then, the value of time Takes a confusing rise.
I saw time to light us, Then like punishment struck, for so much of ostentation, To decelerate, provocant contrast.
I saw laying down it star of the day To dazzle, illuminate Adour Then clearness, then half-light Where the wave was not distinguished any more, dark.
I thus saw time to decrease until dissimulating its existence, Letting to us think of immortality According to and before the time of the event.
I saw that out the exponential return. Time is only one dormouse without love. To seek the unit in a variation Amounts weighing using one standard metre
y = k(1-exp(-t/jo)) footbridge, if it is. y is the curve of time, the phenomenon, et k is the tangential value of the new state of balance jo is the identity suitable for the studied system.
Thus are on only one dimension R�unis phenomenon and time for the infinite one.
It saidIt said: "the man, it is the verb." He is not there any more, however this day, I think, I write and I say: "the man it is the verb". There is not a cause first with our actions? Isn't this because we put a word on each thing which we became human? An escape of this perception of this zero illusory? A search for eternity through others? Pour l�individu, Which is the natural right first? Which is this inalienable right which carries out our lives? Is this the property which makes it possible to benefit from the fruit of our work? Or is this the search for eternity? Both are true, both are large, but which is the first? Applied to a company, the right to the property placed beyond necessary does not seek T-it not to impose, a cruel manner to obtain eternity? Below necessary, isn't the search for eternity a manner of private this body, to commit suicide? From an individual point of view, cruel destiny, which binds matter and spirit forever, because one without the other disappears. From a social point of view, splendid destiny which makes it possible the spirit to exist forever. From there the question, When let us be us? The man who was born, which A grows, and which died in a cave before enclosing it, really existed? The man who has us nothing left really existed? The man who was born strong a long time ago and which left so many benefits, the man about of which everyone still speaks, is still alive? Doesn't a loved relative disappeared draw us a tear? A tear of the joy to have known it, a tear given to the existence. To thus recognize isn't its presence in our thought, already to honour eternity?
Cloud of timeOn right-hand side, on the left, that depends Season, or wind As carried by a cloud This child who was to be wise Near time rested Call was inspired To become poet and make dream To become philosophical and make think To become scientist and invent To become artist and create In these selected moments The imaginary one of today the reality of tomorrow allows, Our common destiny builds.
JoWater, time, pierre My motor bike under ivy A butterfly named Psych� I was pleased to meet.
The spirit with the wind, always ready, This butterfly I asked To say to me what was crowned : Is this the moon? This is the sword?
Is this the flavour of the flowers? Is this a song of choral society in heart? Is this human heat? Is this the softness of a hand?
Which are our sizes? Is this the purity of our moods? Is this dignity? Is this decency? Is this the patience which makes our happiness?
Is this our dashes, and our engagements? Is this the sky and infinitely? Say to me what makes us live? What pushes us and us euphoria? Say to me who speaks with the sheets? Who carries out the waves, which lights this eye? Say to me why the world is large Or very small according to people?
Describe to me the moment when God separates The abyss of the hope to become a star? Where one is ready to be entirely given To go to touch firmament?
It tightened me against it, affectionate, It was naked, and answered me: it is the kiss!
The kiss is the key. Initially carnal, It ignites to bring the sky to us. The love is built in two times, It is an art which mixes more than our bloods.
The heart to take, cannot any more but give, Such an amount of brings to two this unit Who of the lover, this angel, To understand becomes archangel.
The body badine and stops Of a not very high level, but the spirit ready What cannot be named, Something which leads us to the tops.
Constraint of the division, the love brings The light on brooded, of such kind That star becomes the nest Illuminant the infinite one.
The hopeIt was perhaps yesterday, it was perhaps tomorrow In times when God had not still made conceal All Titans, Shiva, Thor, and Vulcan, Those which dictate under pretext of dreams. Fact of concealing the men admirers of money Or developing doubtful concepts imposing A heavy load with the majority of people. In these times, the legend was born rising Until Zeus which took it again and was susurr�e to us by part. Divine breath azure carrying the continuation, Rising with firmament, radiant until our spirits, Our ears were informed by it. The legend is addressed to those which leave In the black morning, without the star light, Their way clears up, and which carries The evening, on their shoulders, of return to the thatched cottage. The legend says to us that the rhythm of the life Is the beat of our emotions, our loves, But not a turning star, even if this one plays with our light and our days. By close it is missed, by far it is lost. The life is lived at the time, benefits from each moment! These significant things, guards in sight, This zephyr which brings art to you to travel in time! In revenge, Zeus at the top of its cloud Offered the hope sealed by the promise made to Prom�th�e. The box gave to that which was to be wise, Pandora - half of �pim�th�e. The beauty by granted Aphrodite, Released the dangers. The man seeking to protect itself Was locked up in limps with the absolute evil which had remained there. Snake, you killed us with your scandalmonger! We are not any more, in the hope to be tomorrow. All dignities and moments are lost Granted to this cruel destiny, Who leaves the games of chance decide Future of the man. Forgetting today, To create a world without a future, and Forgetting that without present a life is without future, the night. Without size the day loses its utility. The evening is made to be found with the hearth. Young people with the parents, large with the children, and Our only richness are our loves and our friendships, Not question of being made them fly by promises, Even if Zeus uses our weaknesses! To enjoy the day Us the love brings. To build each moment with generosity, Us lights, grows us and takes the way of Adour. Time present is enjoyed has the awakening From one day in the sun heart Merry act fills its wonders Until the evening it remains without similar. Lie and madness are hopes. Happiness collects at the moment And is not reflection of what is to only believe. It is necessary to know to gather the moments. The life is not lived with the past Nor even in waiting of a heart flower. The life is built at the present and Comet we become attracting the star sister.
This text is the continuation of the preceding text. The purpose of it is to differentiate the concepts of absolute like God, the Love, and the passive beliefs associated the hope. The faith is not negotiated, the faith is an individual act, even if it can be expressed jointly. The size of a faith is that it does not make distinction between men and women thus gathering all the hearts of the community. For a servant of God, each day is blessed. This blessing makes him become aware of the value of each day. Very strong, this design of the time present which finds in the man of faith makes him benefit from each moment and to consider hope-makes an attempt it of a result like doubtful, since God at every moment gives him already many things! The hope is ignorance, that which maintains the people in obedience and the tender. To preach the hope, it is to preach ignorance and to poison the spirits in order to imprison them in a blind faith where they are dependent on the system in place. CoherenceWe can think that according to the technique used to build a reasoning we will encounter some difficulties of application. These difficulties can generate confusion. We do not speak here about the direction of the terms or about the respect of the laws of mathematics of the language, we speak about field of definition and limits. Thus the negligence pushes us to believe that if a system is good some share, it is good everywhere. This aspect is the search for a simplification bienfaitrice, enabling us to automate the thoughts and the acts, but unfortunately this is in disagreement with what we present in this work like the fifth universal law (each level of construction, matter or thought, has its own laws). A doubt could have remained if I had not presented the many examples showing that the laws of globalities are different from the laws of the units which make it up. In other words, which is true for the private individual is not it inevitably for the General. In other words still, we can say that the laws of the conditioned automatisms although useful cannot be used on a higher level of reflexion. Here architecture and characteristics different from the mechanisms of the thought, that I propose to you, according to zones' of our reasoning.
This particular structure has a form equivalent to a rustic olive-tree or more simply to thyme. Let us take thyme, because this plant kept its rustic form in our Mediterranean areas. As for thyme, it is a hidden base which we do not see. If we observe the vital fluid, we realize that although it can extend everywhere in the plant, there is only one way which varies according to individual characteristics'. In other words, the sap follows a main road and only one way, the sap which leaves this way, will not be able to go higher. We still notice the rotational shape of this plant, which induces this so particular final bouquet. Now the thought, we present realize that his gasoline is quite mysterious, invisible like the roots of thyme, that its structure is made beliefs (They are here active beliefs and not the passive beliefs as the hope which weaken and destroy all constructions). Any attempt at construction of thought not borrowing the main road will remain on a lower level as for the sap. We will meet basic science at the place where the trunk (the thought) widens but is not yet the bouquet; the trunk is the communication. This communication imposes a common temporal reference mark to us. As the branches of thyme start in the trunk and then separate, sciences start in the communication; then, when our brain activates a particular zone or rather a particular science all the spirit (sap) is well isolated in this precise science (a precise branch). The limits and the field of definition are thus defined by the branch or science which we employ. Each science having its own well delimited zone and its own laws. Thus we find like sciences, the study of the future, with its particular philosophy and its mathematics which is the probabilities, the science of the relations specific to the forms in space, with its particular philosophy and its mathematics, the geometry (concepts of the forms), the science of the tool for exchange of concepts, with its particular philosophy and its mathematics which is the algorithms of the language, the science which is the study of the machine language, with its philosophy and its particular mathematics which is the Boolean language, and so on�
We can thus say that the communication is the trunk of the reasoning. This trunk, although it nourishes the bouquet of other sciences, in less dependent and is not connected to those. The trunk of the reasoning is the resultant of all these contradictory laws and will take the form of sciences which nourish it. More than the matter, we find a direction, a direction, induction. It is a coherence in the shape of the plant, made up of a dependent whole. To want to study the plant imposes an approach as a whole. Of this we can say that the reasoning applies only within the limits of each science studied so as to avoid the inconsistencies. As the plant benefits only from reality, the principal trunk of the reasoning knows only the present. Even if the future is induced, only the construction of the present exists. The plant is what it is, the past is finished; useless to think that it could better have been nourished; the future will be only so today the plant can profit.
In the same way the reasoned thoughts are classified in four levels, which are integrated into the classification already presented (thought conditioned like the arc reflex, animal thoughts like the use of the comparison, and finally the reasoned thoughts). Roots: the origin, which is not seen but exists, the trunk: in its low part the communication, its high part sciences which are born and separate, branches: sciences, each branch represents a particular science having its own laws and its own logic, ramifications: A ramification is a science developed on another science, this induces characteristics exit of the orientation, science, feeder branch, we can even find ramification of ramification, making the analysis even more specific.
It thus appears essential to specify the field of definition and the limits of each reasoning; one never should be mistaken in science under penalty of mislaying and thus in destruction.
As the sap which would not circulate any more, one stopped thought is a died thought, a thought accepted as finished is the acceptance of our intellectual suicide. Even the thought presented here, would be only desolation, if each one does not make it evolve/move according to its needs and its applications.
Without roots or bouquet not of trunk, to forget globality, it is to be mislaid.
ThymeI slip and hidden me In the opened out root, Of thousand fertile sources I benefit from the world.
With the research of the light, I rise in proud heart I arrive in the trunk. Which happiness to enter in communication.
A major desire Push me and confuses me In the branches and the ramifications Sciences which I answer.
As the flower opens with the dawn The thought can hatch With the color of the branch which nourishes With the odor of the science which delighted.
I slacken and opens to me with the life Thus creating the paradise. Loan to spread multiple seeds My seeds of Provence in Aquitaine
Who merry, to feel All my efforts, Return to nourish me and still asks some. Sand grainLike a sand grain on the beach The money, the knowledge are in perpetual movement. There will remain us, only the love and the friendships. To give its time, with useless causes, is sign of mislaying.
Sand grain 2Marine dance, darkens moments This is your effect, c�line, which recalls firmament ? This is your cat-like heat which supposes modesty ? Does your life force anything to hide, to remain here? For you, all, of the ocean to the hearth, I am neither more, nor less than another, I promise to you that never I will have idol, Man, science, or idea; to remain your.
That this goal cherished so much Would be only the end of our life, Such an amount of the laws effect would encumber our bed Because what is is not what produces. Breath of the life, only the induced movement, Letting to us appear, man, kindness and all that is followed from there. To take the goal like way Us would engage on the bad road and would be our end. Thus the knowledge of the moment is not vocation One leads to the superstition, the other with rise One leads to ignorance, the other with the evolution One leads to the revolutionary spirit, the other with the spirit of the revolution. Do not mix both my friend, To declare the evil, by same the product. Propagate your breath so that the infinite one of yesterday of is finished today And that finished of tomorrow, that is to say of today the infinite one.
Sand grain 3Dance thought Because tomorrow I will have created others of them Because this is your only morning
Your force is in your weakness More transitory, more prosperous While living you gives the jubilations You are at the same time the father and the mother.
By your presence you the past honours By your constancy you allows the future to exist
Mathematical or philosophical conceptsThe goal of this writing is to present the method of classification suggested, the contents undoubtedly deserves a thorough work. First concept approaching the instinct. Some gestures are conditioned and almost unconscious. No the reflexion, reasoning "with the feeling", the intuition, the reactions are simple, abrupt, calculations are carried out on what one has right in front of the eyes. On the simple operations which effleurent us. No vision in the medium or long term. Short-sighted philosophy! Second concept, commercial concept, of exchange, equivalence, barter, assessments, reports/ratios. Concept moreover, of less, and zero. Countable or commercial mathematics. Third concept, concept of sets and harmony, search of regroupings and associations of objects and ideas. Matric mathematics. Fourth concept, study of the limits ad infinitum, functions derived, integral. Philosophy which is projected with far in a system apart from reality bus built on an incoherent tool. Fifth concept, difficult to define, but it is that which the table of Carnot uses. This concept is also a little developed of probability. For ABC = aaa, aab... ccc. For truth, forgery, dubious. For beautiful, ugly, normal etc. Each new value makes the analysis more complex. Sixth concept, that of conditioning or unit concept. The concept of mathematics is brought back to simplest, the unit, and will be represented by an obsession. This concept applies to a part or mechanism of the limbic brain and removes any reflexion by putting the human being at the state of object. For example, the voluntary or involuntary repetition of a desire, of a hope which evacuates the faith: "I will be happy! ", "I will be free! ", "I am a slave! ", "God exists! ", "God does not exist! ". This conditioning can be an imposed conditioning or then a car conditioning. Seventh concept, that that we present in this book and which is opposed to the second concept. It is a system proportional with an exponential level. Thus without zero. Application In Applied ScienceObjective: a) To define a method of simplified analysis of the experimental curves and to identify the number of factors influencing the analyzed curves. b) To determine a number without dimension which will be characteristic of each one of these factors and which will be found in the other analyses utilizing these factors. c) To release itself from the concept of quantity which is one of the great problems of modern biochemistry, because the purified products are extremely expensive and sometimes even rare. d) To pass from an analysis on two dimensions to an analysis on a dimension, because the base of time is considered in the method as being the variation itself. This simplifies calculations largely. e) To use a simple method, accessible to all without having to call upon the complex mechanisms of the regulation by using a method of bringing together of the intervals to identify the points of the curve of measurements.
Example of application : We have chooses to present an analysis on recognized independent data. We found them on Internet site : in a file xls named : chutamortie. The choice of this example comes because of the form from the curves which corresponds has a form that I often met as a practitioner my trade, which is the regulation.
In first the analysis notices is carried out in this case on a phenomenon. It is about the displacement of the matter of a place of space to another under the action of a force. Our objective is to include/understand how this displacement is carried out. In other words, we do not seek that to write a mathematical model representing the phenomenon, we seek a mathematical model who emphasizes the principal forces influencing this phenomenon. In second remark, it measurement are taken on two dimensions, but the footbridge of times proposed makes it possible to write the equations on only one dimension. In third remark, the measured values result from a particular measure, therefore under particular conditions. These particular conditions go given the laws observed or operation. In fourth remark, we work on systems naturally stable, because once maximum speed reached that this remains constant. We do not work on positioning in space. We can say according to our knowledge which this stable state is obtained with the balance of two forces opposite, which are the attraction and the resistance of the fluid in which the experiment proceeds.
The measured values are :
We can say that the variation appears between initial balance and final balance, and, by seeing the shape of the curve built using the points of measurements, we can say that the factor dominating is form : signal (speed) = �quilibre(�tat) initial + k.(1-exp(-t/jo)) o� k est la constante du nouvel �quilibre = �tat(�q.) initial + D, avec D est la diff�rence entre niveaux initial et final.
By supposing that only one factor intervenes, we can say that the value jo will be given to 63% of the variation (Broida). But this case is rather rare and improbable because we often have several disturbing factors, which interact unceasingly with the system. In other words, we can say that instantaneous speed interacts with the forces which create the movement, which names, in regulation, the unit return. This last is written the shape of the signal mathematically that we proposed above. Moreover we can say that the damping ratio of the beginning, or the factor which delays starting, appears on curves of highher degree of accuracy. The principal encountered problem is to determine how the self-regulation of the phenomenon intervenes. Is this two or several functions in series which are followed or is this a function integrated in another function, in other words, OJ is not makes a new function of it? According to Broida one can bring back a function of the nth order to a function delay in factor of a first order function. That simplifies calculations for the needs for the regulation, however our objective is very different. We want to identify the principal factors dominating, intervening over the phenomenon. It is possible to use the method of calculation of Broida to determine the function delay and that which makes it possible to determine the value jo when we have only one factor of action.
By using the footbridge of times (regular linear time about the exponential real time, i.e. that of the variation), the mathematical expression becomes :
Pour la courbe : vitesse instantan�e = vitesse initiale + vitesse maximale ( 1 - exp ( -t/jo)) d'o� : vitesse = 0,278 ( 1 - exp ( - t/ jo )), avec jo = 1 (environs)
If we observe with more precision the first two points of the curve, we realize that OJ is in fact the result of a function which is not other than the representation of a new factor jo' influencing the reaction already represented, because jo varies. In other words, jo is written :
jo = k� ( 1 - exp ( -t / jo�� ))
Avec jo�� facteur caract�ristique du d�marrage. Mais cet aspect n�est pas celui recherch� ici.
Il est � noter que cette deuxi�me boucle n'est apparente que sur les deux premiers points de la courbe.
While returning in the usual temporal reference mark for the measured curve, this expression enables us to write speed = 0.278*(1- (e^(-t / jo))), mais nous remarquons que plusieurs forces interviennent (frottement, attraction). This induces that we must initially identify the value or function jo. Identification of the function : We have two forces representing each one a function which varies in a manner dependent. This is written according to my method : (vitesse max.) * (1 - (e^(-(temps) / ((attraction)- (r�sistance du frottement)))) In other words:=0,278*(1-(EXP(-temps)/(0,9676-(0,4676*(1-EXP(-(temps)/1))))))) Method taught with the CNAM, by bringing together of the intervals. Required goal 0.209 � 0.95 et 0.243 � 1.3 In court of realization
initial time initial speed = ..m/s vitesse (mesur�) = ..m/s t = 0,05s speed (measured) = 0,014 m/s speed modelled = 0,01432967 m/s t = 0,10s speed (measured) = 0,028m/s speed modelled = 0,02854196 m/s t = 0,15s speed (measured) = 0,0418m/s speed modelled = 0,04257084 m/s t = 0,20s speed (measured) = 0,0555m/s speed modelled = 0,05635453 m/s t = 0,25s speed (measured) = 0,0690m/s speed modelled = 0,0698362 m/s t = 0,30s speed (measured) = 0,0821m/s speed modelled = 0,08296451 m/s t = 0,35s speed (measured) = 0,0949m/s speed modelled = 0,09569404 m/s t = 0,40s speed (measured) = 0,107m/s speed modelled = 0,10798557 m/s t = 0,45s speed (measured) = 0,119m/s speed modelled = 0,11980621 m/s t = 0,50s speed (measured) = 0,131m/s speed modelled = 0,13112944 m/s t = 0,55s speed (measured) = 0,142m/s speed modelled = 0,14193498 m/s t = 0,60s speed (measured) = 0,152m/s speed modelled = 0,15220857 m/s t = 0,65s speed (measured) = 0,162m/s speed modelled = 0,16194169 m/s t = 0,70s speed (measured) = 0,171m/s speed modelled = 0,17113114 m/s t = 0,75s speed (measured) = 0,180m/s speed modelled = 0,17977861m/s t = 0,80s speed (measured) = 0,188m/s speed modelled = 0,18789018 m/s t = 0,85s speed (measured) = 0,196m/s speed modelled = 0,19547584 m/s t = 0,90s speed (measured) = 0,203m/s speed modelled = 0,20254889 m/s t = 0,95s speed (measured) = 0,209m/s speed modelled = 0,20912549 m/s t = 1,00s speed (measured) = 0,215m/s speed modelled = 0,21522411 m/s t = 1,05s speed (measured) = 0,221m/s speed modelled = 0,22086503 m/s t = 1,10s speed (measured) = 0,226m/s speed modelled = 0,22606993 m/s t = 1,15s speed (measured) = 0,231m/s speed modelled = 0,2308614 m/s t = 1,20s speed (measured) = 0,235m/s speed modelled = 0,23526261 m/s t = 1,25s speed (measured) = 0,239m/s speed modelled = 0,23929697 m/s t = 1,30s speed (measured) = 0,243m/s speed modelled = 0,24298781 m/s t = 1,35s speed (measured) = 0,247m/s speed modelled = 0,24635815 m/s t = 1,40s speed (measured) = 0,250m/s speed modelled = 0,24943048 m/s t = 1,45s speed (measured) = 0,252m/s speed modelled = 0,25222657 m/s t = 1,50s speed (measured) = 0,255m/s speed modelled = 0,25476739 m/s t = 1,55s speed (measured) = 0,257m/s speed modelled = 0,25707296 m/s t = 1,60s speed (measured) = 0,259m/s speed modelled = 0,25916227 m/s t = 1,65s speed (measured) = 0,261m/s speed modelled = 0,26105327 m/s t = 1,70s speed (measured) = 0,263m/s speed modelled = 0,26276284 m/s t = 1,75s speed (measured) = 0,264m/s speed modelled = 0,26430675 m/s t = 1,80s speed (measured) = 0,266m/s speed modelled = 0,26569969 m/s t = 1,85s speed (measured) = 0,267m/s speed modelled = 0,26695531 m/s t = 1,90s speed (measured) = 0,268m/s speed modelled = 0,26808621 m/s t = 1,95s speed (measured) = 0,269m/s speed modelled = 0,26910403 m/s t = 2,00s speed (measured) = 0,270m/s speed modelled = 0,27001946 m/s t = 2,05s speed (measured) = 0,271m/s speed modelled = 0,27084229 m/s t = 2,10s speed (measured) = 0,272m/s speed modelled = 0,27158148 m/s t = 2,15s speed (measured) = 0,273m/s speed modelled = 0,27224522 m/s t = 2,20s speed (measured) = 0,273m/s speed modelled = 0,27284095 m/s t = 2,25s speed (measured) = 0,274m/s speed modelled = 0,27337542 m/s t = 2,30s speed (measured) = 0,274m/s speed modelled = 0,27385479 m/s t = 2,35s speed (measured) = 0,275m/s speed modelled = 0,27428461 m/s t = 2,40s speed (measured) = 0,275m/s speed modelled = 0,2746699 m/s t = 2,45s speed (measured) = 0,276m/s speed modelled = 0,27501521 m/s t = 2,50s speed (measured) = 0,276m/s speed modelled = 0,27532463 m/s t = 2,55s speed (measured) = 0,276m/s speed modelled = 0,27560187 m/s t = 2,60s speed (measured) = 0,276m/s speed modelled = 0,27585024 m/s t = 2,65s speed (measured) = 0,277m/s speed modelled = 0,27607273 m/s t = 2,70s speed (measured) = 0,277m/s speed modelled = 0,27627203 m/s t = 2,75s speed (measured) = 0,277m/s speed modelled = 0,27645056 m/s t = 2,80s speed (measured) = 0,277m/s speed modelled = 0,27661049 m/s t = 2,85s speed (measured) = 0,277m/s speed modelled = 0,27675374 m/s t = 2,90s speed (measured) = 0,278m/s speed modelled = 0,27688208 m/s t = 2,95s speed (measured) = 0,278m/s speed modelled = 0,27699706m/s t = 3,00s speed (measured) = 0,278m/s speed modelled = 0,27710007 m/s t = 3,05s speed (measured) = 0,278 m/s speed modelled = 0,27719238 m/s t = 3,10s speed (measured) = 0,278 m/s speed modelled = 0,27727511 m/s t = 3,15s speed (measured) = 0,278m/s speed modelled = 0,27734925 m/s t = 3,20s speed (measured) = 0,278m/s speed modelled = 0,27741571m/s t = 3,25s speed (measured) = 0,278m/s speed modelled = 0,2774753 m/s t = 3,30s speed (measured) = 0,278m/s speed modelled = 0,27752873 m/s t = 3,35s speed (measured) = 0,278m/s speed modelled = 27757664 m/s t = 3,40s speed (measured) = 0,278m/s speed modelled = 0,27761961m/s
We can observe that the model suggested makes it possible to follow exactly the measured curve.
Observation we can recognize an exponential standard form with the curve. This form is of the type y = k ( 1 � exp ( - t / jo )) The characteristic of this type of curve is to be able to describe only functions of a state of balance to another. In other words, this type of curve makes it possible to describe the passage of a state particular to another. By developing the reasoning we can think that this passage, this variation has its own base of time. This particular base of time, seems to us to be a tool interesting for the continuation of our research. In other words, we seek a corrective measure at a base of time logarithmic curve based on the rotation of a particular planet. In other words still, our objective is to separate us from one of two dimensions of measurement so as to highlight the factors intervening in the variation or studied phenomenon. To clarify the proposal, we have information which is given to us using two dimensions, the first the variation itself and the second which is the base of time of our planet. We decide to separate us from the base of time of planet, to replace it by the base of time of the variation. By observing the curve, we can say that the base of time of our planet is a base studied logarithmic curve for the phenomenon.
Results and Discussed : We presented the mathematical model at measurements of the experiment and we noted that it appeared a number without dimension characteristic of the measured objects. In other words, the analyzed curves can be well written in the form suggested, and they confirm the method because of identification of the factors influencing the phenomenon. Although the method results from the observation, we recognize in the shape of this curve one of the applications used in regulation. This application is named the unit return, and indicates that the product finished influence the initial product. This remark creates a bond between two sciences quite distinct, biology and the regulation, we notice however that their steps and their goals are different and that it is thus necessary to adapt the concept of regulation to be defined what is, in opposition to its concept which seeks a modeling of what we want. Thus several slightly modified basic formulas could enable us to better define the biological phenomena. In example the function delay described by Broida. Method : The method finds its justification in regulation, but our goal here work only on the observation, and the application of this observation in a simple way. We use the method of the intervals to determine the value of OJ. In other words we grant to OJ a value randomly, and let us change it by bringing us closer so as to obtain the measured value, for each time chooses. We use the method of the intervals to determine the value of OJ. In other words we grant to OJ a value randomly, and let us change it by bringing us closer so as to obtain the measured value, for each time chooses. If we obtain a constant value for OJ, this wants to say that only one factor is identifiable on this curve.
Abbreviation : t : time in second reference mark of the base of time of planet. Y = k ( 1-exp(-t/jo)) : footbridge of times (diagram of the unit return without harmonics) k : value of the new state of balance, is appeared as a plate. Jo : numbers without dimension characteristic of the studied factor.
Annotation: The analysis results from a personal step, thus the values indicated result from the reading of an experimental measurement.
Conclusion: Of share the demonstration, the many objectives are carried out, it remains however to refine the method for the many particular cases that nature presents to us. We can also think that this method intervening on a key parameter of the majority of our measurements, could be of a great utility in many sciences.